Shining 3D
Delivering 10+ years of professional 3D digitizing and additive manufacturing technologies with class leading solutions for digital dentistry intraoral and desktop lab scanners.
The company has independently developed a number of core technologies in the 3D field and has nearly 300 authorized patents and over 100 software copyrights.

Bundle and Save on the 3D Smile Creator Package!!!
Metismile, Aoralscan 3 or Wireless, PC.
Get a Free exocad Smile Creator License!!
$17,999 with Aoralscan 3
$20,999 with Aoralscan 3 Wireless
Or $1750 exocad discount. Only until December 31st 2023.
Stand out with Digital Impressions
Shining 3D’s Aoralscan 3 and the new Aoralscan 3 Wireless are offering breakthrough technology for your practice. The all new design based on Shining 3D’s development team has made it possible to scan a full case in under 2 minutes with exceptional accuracy(backed by University of Minnesota Study).
Aoralscan 3 Wireless
All the great features of the Aoralscan without the cable. Includes 3 batteries for 6 Hours of scanning.

Metismile 3D Face Scanning $4999
Aoralscan 3
Cutting edge scanning technology. High speed, accuracy and vivid colors.